Saturday 31 December 2011

Obama delays request for $1.2T debt limit increase (AP)

HONOLULU ? President Barack Obama is delaying his request for another $1.2 trillion increase in the nation's debt limit at the request of congressional leaders.

It's basically because of a technicality.

The White House had been ready to ask for the increase Friday because the government is within $100 billion of exhausting its current borrowing authority. Congress would then have 15 days to reject the request, though Obama would veto any objections in order to ensure that the government does not default on its obligations.

But with Congress not due to return to Washington until mid-January, a bipartisan group of lawmakers asked Obama to delay his request so they would be in session during the 15-day period allowed for objections.

"The administration is in discussions with leaders in both houses to determine the best timing for submission of certification and any subsequent votes in the two houses," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Friday.

Kevin Smith, a spokesman for Speaker John Boehner, said the House leadership preferred not having to call members back to Washington early to vote on the increase request, but would have done so if necessary.

A senior White House official said Obama will make his request within days. The Treasury Department will use accounting measures to ensure that the nation does not reach its debt limit before the $1.2 trillion increase is finalized, said the official, who requested anonymity because the person lacked authority to speak publically.

The debt limit is the amount the government can borrow to finance its operations. It has soared because the government has run record deficits over the past decade. The borrowed money has helped pay for two wars, stimulate the nation's economy after the worst recession since the Great Depression and keep intact broad tax cuts initiated during the Bush administration.

Obama's request to increase the nation's borrowing authority would boost the debt limit to a record $16.4 trillion. The president and Congress agreed to raise it to that level in three steps as part of the August deal that was struck hours before a threatened government default.

Officials say the $1.2 trillion increase should be enough to allow the government to keep borrowing until the end of 2012, or just after the presidential election.

Congress agreed to raise the debt limit by $400 billion in August and by another $500 billion in September. House Republicans voted against the second increase, but failed to block it because the Senate approved it. The increases are scheduled to take effect unless both chambers vote against them.

The White House announced the delay in the debt limit request from Hawaii, where the president is on vacation.


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Friday 30 December 2011

San Pedro woman killed walking home from church on Christmas Eve

Eva Tice


Eva Tice had looked forward to Christmas this year. A family adopted the disabled 60-year-old woman and her roommate, providing her a tree that sat decorated atop a table in their San Pedro apartment.

"She was very excited for Christmas," Los Angeles police Detective Patty Batts said. "She hadn't had a Christmas tree for many years. ... She was very excited about a small little duck hanging on the

Eva Tice's Christmas tree. (LAPD Detective Patty Batts)

tree. She thought it was real pretty."

Tice, who had a mental capacity that varied from a 6-year-old girl to a young woman, had lived a difficult life. She became a ward of the state as a young child when her parents were killed in a car wreck.

Without family to care for her, social workers and caregivers took over, helping Tice to live independently. She was married for many years to another mentally disabled man.

He died six months ago, about the time she moved into her latest apartment on 12th Street, not far from her beloved church, Hope Chapel, where she recently was baptised.

"She was an usher at the church," Batts said. "She really wanted to help. She would always come to the Friday dinners, the

Saturday garage sales. She would always come to Sunday services."

And then there was Christmas.

"She was excited about the Christmas season," a pastor said. "She was even more joyful than usual. She had a great smile on her face, looked very rested and was excited to celebrate Christmas."

Her Bible in hand, Tice walked to Hope Chapel for the 6 p.m. Christmas Eve service on Saturday.

"She was very kind, enjoyed interacting with people and and enjoyed serving

The rubber duck hangs on Eva Tice's Christmas tree. (LAPD Detective Patty Batts)

God," the pastor said.

The service ended about 7 p.m. Tice, who had recovered from a recently broken hip, headed home.

Police are not sure what happened next. Residents who heard moaning found Tice on the sidewalk on Pacific Avenue, covered with blood, her Bible at her side.

Batts said detectives know she walked along Pacific from 9th Street. Someone assaulted her between 11th and 12th streets.

Witnesses saw a man running away.

The assailant stabbed Tice multiple times, Batts said. She died at a hospital.

Detectives suspect the motive was robbery, but do not know if he took anything.

"It's Christmas Eve," Batts said. "She's coming from a church service carrying her Bible. She is mentally disabled, physically disabled, all of 4-foot-11 and somebody assaults her. For what? I don't know at this time. All they had to do is just take it from her."

The crime has shaken congregants at her church, including a female pastor, who did not want her name published for fear of retaliation from a killer nobody knows.

"She attended church every week," the pastor said. "She was a sweet gal."

A worship leader mentioned her death during Christmas services on Sunday, but no one knew the circumstances.

"We are very disappointed that this has happened," the pastor said. "We hope that the person is found as quick as possible."

Detectives who have little to go on believe somebody must have seen something that can help them find a something.

"We need the public's help," Batts said. "When we watch video from the surrounding businesses, we can see heavy vehicle traffic in both directions. We can see pedestrian traffic."

A busy bar is located at 11th Street and Pacific.

Batts asked anyone with information to call her at 310-726-7889 or Detective David Alvarez at 310-726-7879.

"I know people saw things," the detective said.

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Thursday 29 December 2011

Gunman in Santa suit killed six, self in Texas: police (Reuters)

GRAPEVINE, Texas (Reuters) ? A gunman who killed six people and himself at a family Christmas celebration was dressed in a Santa Claus suit when opened fire, police said on Monday.

Authorities continued their search for clues in Grapevine, a Dallas suburb dubbed the "Christmas Capital of Texas," to explain the Sunday murder-suicide rampage that left the seven shot dead among unwrapped holiday presents.

The dead -- four women and three men ages 15 to 59 - were found Sunday morning in an apartment living room by police answering a voiceless 911 emergency call, authorities said.

Two pistols were recovered from the home, said Sergeant Robert Eberling of the Grapevine police department, who called it a "gruesome crime scene" and the worst outburst of gun violence in the town's history.

The last homicide in the town was in June 2010.

Authorities were waiting on autopsy reports before releasing identities, a potential motive and details on what exactly happened inside the home, Eberling said.

"We have a pretty good idea who these folks were, and we're trying to work through contacting other family members so we can better piece together what took place and why it took place," he said.

Eberling said the shooter was dressed in a Santa Claus suit but gave no details.

Grapevine police Lieutenant Todd Dearing said the victims' ages were 15, 19, 22, 55, 56, 58 and 59. The victims in their 50s were two couples, Dearing said.

The shooter was one of the older men, he said.

Circumstances of the shooting remained sketchy, but Eberling said it appeared as though the bloodbath unfolded during a family holiday celebration.

No one was found alive by police arriving at the home, he said.

A community of about 46,000 people some 20 miles northwest of downtown Dallas, Grapevine is known for its wine-tasting salons. It was proclaimed by the state Senate as the "Christmas Capital of Texas" for its abundance of annual holiday-season events.

"This is obviously a terrible tragedy," Mayor William Tate said Sunday night in a statement given to Reuters.

"The fact that it happened on Christmas makes it even more tragic."


Police dispatched at about 11:30 a.m. on Sunday found the bodies in the first-floor living room of a two-story unit in the Lincoln Vineyards apartments, police said.

The 911 caller never spoke to police, and officers did not see the telephone when they arrived, officials said.

Eberling said the victims appeared to have just opened Christmas presents when the shooting started, and there was no sign of forced entry or a struggle.

"By all appearances, they're all part of the same family," Eberling said, adding that some were related through marriage.

Lincoln Vineyards is a middle-income complex near Colleyville Heritage High School, one of the area's most highly regarded schools.

Several neighbors told Reuters that children frequently played in front of the apartment, and they regularly saw young adults leaving for work.

Additional reporting and writing by Steve Gorman and Karen Brooks; Editing by Tim Gaynor and Peter Bohan)


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Wednesday 28 December 2011

Google Business Recap: Nexus Tablet Threatens Partner Sales

Scottrade: $7 Online Trades. Real-Time Stock Quotes

GOOG?(NASDAQ:GOOG) Up With Markets
Stocks are shaking off early losses as?consumer confidence shatters expectations. Shares of GOOG are up strong, over 1%. Catalysts include continued?Android?momentum in the smartphone and tablet markets worldwide;?Motorola?acquisition approval and integration; regaining ground in China; resurgence of?Google TV; the roll-out of?Google Music, social network Google+ and?Google Wallet; and progress in other newer initiatives (location-based services, mapping, gaming, daily deals, etc.). The stock trades at approximately?13x Enterprise Value / EBIT.

Google Nexus Tablet Launch Will Affect Partner Sales?(DigiTimes)
Google chairman Eric Schmidt made comments during a press conference in mid-December that suggested his company was working on building its own Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich tablet (still rumor however). That could have an adverse affect on tablet sales for Google?s Android partners. If Google deploys a newer Android 4.1 operating system on its tablets, it could force other vendors, such as Acer, Lenovo and Asus to launch devices powered by an older Android 4.0 build, resulting in more customers favoring Google?s tablet over competing devices.

Google Funding Mozilla To Further Browser Development?(ReadWriteWeb)
Chrome engineer Peter Kasting took to his Google+ offered a simple answer as to why Google was keeping Firefox alive. ?Google is funding a?partner,? not a competitor. He goes on to say, ?It?s very simple: the primary goal of Chrome is to make the web advance as much and as quickly as possible.? Basically,?the success of Firefox is really about driving ad dollars and users to Google. By keeping the friendly competition going, it ensures everyone is at the top of their game and speeding up the innovative process.

Will Apple Make The Perfect TV While Google TV Continues To Disappoint??(The Perfection Paradox)
The single biggest reason?Google?TV didn?t work was it didn?t solve any of the biggest shortcomings of our living room television viewing experience. It made it more complicated. Apple, meanwhile, will approach the market with the aim of making TV simple again.?Henry Blodget?at?Business Insider?says that?TV users just want to press ?on? and watch what they want to watch. That?s it.?Steve Jobs?probably figured out how to allow TV users to press ?on? and then say, ?The Jets game,? or ?Addams Family? or ?The next Sopranos episode? or ?our Hawaii vacation videos? and have the TV just play them. Not screw around with a remote that looks like it could power the Pentagon.

UC Berkeley Decides To Go With Google Apps Over Microsoft Office?(Business Insider)
The University of California at Berkeley (Go Bears!) just decided to move off its old email system and chose Gmail over Microsoft?s Office 365. The school decided it could get Google Apps up and running faster and for less money. Particularly interesting was that to move to Office 365, the university would have had to do a double migration. First to an on-premise version of Exchange, then to the online version in Google Apps. This pokes a hole in Microsoft?s claim that Office 365 is a true cloud-based competitor to Google. It goes to show why Gmail increasingly has an advantage among highly cost-conscious organizations.

More Discussion On Google+ For Businesses: Is It Efficient??(OPEN Forum)
For big brands, Google+ is probably a good investment. But is Google+ an efficient use of time for small businesses? Here are the positives:

  • SEO Boost
  • Host Hangouts
  • Expand Distribution
  • Early Adopter Connection
  • Segment Audience
  • Network
  • Explore

Here are the negatives:

  • Difficult Administration
  • Facebook / Twitter Still Reign
  • Lack Of Integration
  • Unreliability
  • Small Growth


Where Is The Next Big Smartphone Boom??(VentureBeat)
The U.S. and China currently have the world?s largest potential smartphone and tablet markets, but many other countries are ripe for wider smart-device adoption in 2012 according to market research firm Flurry. With 109 million users, the U.S. makes up 41% of the current global iOS and Android install base, followed by China with 13%, the U.K with 6.5% and South Korea with 6%. China has the biggest pool of potential smart-device owners, with 122 million people who can afford a smartphone or tablet followed by the U.S. with 91 million. India has 75 million possible smart-device users, followed by 65 million in Japan, and 34 million in Brazil and in Germany.

Heather Leonard is the Google analyst at?Business Insider.

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Tuesday 27 December 2011

Japan eases ban on weapons exports to lower costs (AP)

TOKYO ? Japan is easing its decades-long arms export ban in a bid to lower purchase and production costs fro weapons and take part in global arms projects.

Top government spokesman Osamu Fujimura said Tuesday that the new rules will allow Japan to jointly develop and sell arms with other countries. Japan already has eased the ban in projects with the United States, its biggest ally. The latest change extends the exception to other defense partners, including European nations and Australia.

The exception to the arms export ban dating back to 1967 applies only to projects contributing to Japan's security and global peace. Fujimura said Japan maintains its pacifist principles prohibiting arms use in global conflicts.


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Monday 26 December 2011

How a Bounty Hunter Battles the Cold [Star Wars]

Being badass doesn't mean you'll always be warm. Even Bane wears a winter coat in the latest Batman trailer. So here's the answer to the question that's been on our minds since Empire—how does Boba Fett stay warm? More »


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Auto Expo India

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Auto Expo India

Posted: 4:51pm, 22 December 2011

JLR shuns Detroit in favour of New Delhi Jaguar Land Rover is to miss the mighty Detroit Auto Show in January in favour of New Delhi's AutoExpo. This is a move that is not really surprising but still reveals a lot about the shifting trends within the automotive world.??JLR's two brands are both owned by Indian conglomerate Tata, and have confirmed that they will focus their efforts on showcasing models to the Indian market at the 11th annual AutoExpo show, the largest car show in India.??The decision, while understandable, must be a blow to the organisers of the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) in Detroit, which widely regarded as one of the world's most important car shows despite a difficult economic climate for automobile manufacture in the US. The NAIAS starts on January 9, while the Indian AutoExpo 2012 starts two days earlier on January 7 and runs until January 11 in New Delhi, India. More information at click here for Auto Expo India

click here for full events listing

Words: JC
Pictures: Newspress

Auto Expo India

Jaguar Land Rover is to miss the mighty Detroit Auto Show in January in favour of New Delhi's AutoExpo

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Sunday 25 December 2011

Searching For A Ghost Bird

Copyright ? 2011 National Public Radio?. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.


This is SCIENCE FRIDAY. I'm Ira Flatow. Birding. Birding doesn't seem like a risky pastime, does it? What's the worst that could happen? Sunburn, a little rain, a little cold, lost binoculars. Well, not always. In 2010, Tim Gallagher, editor of Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Living Bird magazine, went in search of a rare woodpecker and was lucky to make it back alive.

Our multimedia editor Flora Lichtman talked to Gallagher about it and has this story.

FLORA LICHTMAN, BYLINE: The imperial woodpecker is two feet tall. That's huge.

TIM GALLAGHER: As far as we've been able to determine from the fossil record, there's never been a bigger woodpecker.

LICHTMAN: Its closet relation is the ivory-billed woodpecker, and like its cousin, the imperial is critically endangered if not extinct. The last credible sightings were in the '90s. But Tim Gallagher thought there's a chance a few still may exist, which is what drew him to the remote mountain range in Mexico where the woodpecker lives.

GALLAGHER: The Sierra Madre's always been a rugged, ungovernable place.

LICHTMAN: And that's where the story turns.


LICHTMAN: An ordinary birding expedition this was not.

GALLAGHER: It's heavy drug-growing country, holding AK-47s. The guy was trembling and all white as a sheet. It just got crazier and crazier. It's like unbelievable.

LICHTMAN: That's basically how the story ends, but it really begins 50 years ago with the late William Rhein.

GALLAGHER: William Rhein was a dentist who lived in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and he was also an amateur ornithologist. He was basically a bird fanatic. And he was really obsessed with the imperial woodpecker.

LICHTMAN: Tim Gallagher, by the way, is also really obsessed with the imperial woodpecker.

GALLAGHER: They're just so huge and powerful, swift-flying, and their crests. I just get real pleasure from seeing them.

LICHTMAN: Rhein must have felt similarly. Back in the '50s, he made several self-funded trips to the mountains of Mexico to look for this bird, and he's the only one known to have captured the bird on film. But for many years he kept the footage kind of under wraps.

GALLAGHER: The only opportunity he had to film this bird, he was o the back of a mule. So it was kind of jerky. So I think he was embarrassed by it, and he never really told many people about it.

LICHTMAN: Until an ornithologist by the name of Martjan Lammertink found a reference to the footage in some old letters and tracked Rhein down.

GALLAGHER: So he went there not knowing if this would be any good. He thought at best maybe there'll be an identifiable image of this bird, which will be nice.

LICHTMAN: When he got to the house, Rhein loads the reel on his 16-millimeter projector.


WALTER RHEIN: We're all set to go. Cross your fingers. I haven't looked at this for years and years and years.

GALLAGHER: That was recorded - that's when Martjan first saw that film. He turned this tape recorder on when the guy was playing it, and...

RHEIN: And right here is where the - this is the (unintelligible) right here.

GALLAGHER: They started rolling this film, I mean it was incredible. I mean, this bird pitching up the tree.

RHEIN: Now this is back in the woods.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: There it is, there it is. You see it?

RHEIN: There it is, yeah.

GALLAGHER: Chipping off chunks of bark, throwing pieces of bark away (unintelligible); it even takes off and flies three different times. And so in an 85-second film, it's just an incredible amount of stuff going on.

RHEIN: Well, I thought that was lousy, but I'd forgotten about those shots.

GALLAGHER: It was just such a tangible thing, something you could almost reach out and touch, you know. It was just like seeing a ghost.


GALLAGHER: Watching that movie in many ways inspired me. I just want to go there and save that bird.

LICHTMAN: And that's what they tried to do. Gallagher and the ornithologist Lammertink got together an expedition to go to the Sierra Madre Occidental, to the exact same spot where that footage was shot 50 years ago.

GALLAGHER: Martjan knew a forester in the city of Durango in Mexico, which is about a five-hour drive from where we were going to go in the mountains, and he was real familiar with that area. It's heavy drug-growing country, opium and marijuana, which we didn't fully realize when we first went up there.

Before we'd gone, a couple of months earlier, communicating with the forester, he'd said it's still pretty safe in this part of Mexico, so you should be OK. But when we finally got down there, he said, you know, there's really like a wave of violence starting to sweep through here.

And then - and actually, we had some pretty scary things happen right from the start.

LICHTMAN: Like for instance, the night before they were supposed to leave Durango.

GALLAGHER: We got a call from the forester, and he said he'd received an anonymous call from someone who knew exactly what we were doing and when we were going and was really furious about it. In fact, one of the Mexican scientists who was going to go with us, he dropped out of the expedition at that point.

And so suddenly it was, like, should we not go? Or what's happening?


GALLAGHER: You know, we were so close. It was like our excitement level was so high, I just, I knew if we left no one would go to check that area in our lifetimes. And I just thought we've got to go. And we decided we were going to go.


GALLAGHER: But we had our first bad encounter the next day as we were driving up there. This dark truck came up behind us and then came racing by, and all the guys in it were holding AK-47s, and they matched the description of some people who had murdered someone in another village about a week ago.

By the time we left, it felt more like the mountains of Afghanistan than Mexico, and you know, three houses were burned, and a man was abducted by - you know, from a little village, and all of the villagers had to put their money together to buy this guy back. And it's just insane.

You know, I mean, what are they going to do the next time someone gets grabbed?

LICHTMAN: How did you guys stay safe? What was your strategy?

GALLAGHER: We didn't really have a strategy. We just tried not to bother anyone and went with our business.

LICHTMAN: Which remember, started out, at least, as a mission to find a woodpecker. So that's what they tried to do. And one of their tricks was this.


GALLAGHER: And we'd play these recordings of an ivory bill woodpecker because their voice is supposed to be just like an ivory bill. It sounds like a loud toot of a child's toy horn.

LICHTMAN: And they were hoping for a toot in return.

GALLAGHER: Rumors still do come out of there of, you know, lone imperial woodpeckers. But in all the places we went, we didn't get any response.

LICHTMAN: They never did spot the bird on that trip. Gallagher says logging has destroyed much of the imperial's habitat, and he heard from people who live there that 50 years ago there were extermination campaigns by loggers who thought the birds threatened the timber. Since then, new threats have emerged.

GALLAGHER: I'll tell you one of the worst moments for me. You know, we were warned against crossing this - the Rio Tuxacoringa(ph), and on the other side, the Setas control that, which is one of the worst drug cartels. And one day we're on the top of this cliff looking across the canyon, and there were people out there burning these old-growth trees, and they were going to destroy that forest so they could, you know, plant more opium poppies, and there was nothing we could do about it.

It wouldn't have mattered if there were imperial woodpeckers over there. I'm almost glad I didn't see one because it would have just made me sick. You wouldn't know what to do. The government, the Mexican government can't go up there. It's too dangerous, you know.

And I'm a real optimistic person about just about everything I do, and it just became so depressing. You know, at the end, we really did not know if we were going to get out of there. I even took the memory cards out of my cameras and my voice recorders and things, and I put them in my - the little hip pocket on my jeans just in case, you know, we got robbed or murdered. At least what I'd gotten would exist, you know.


LICHTMAN: What started out as a quest to save a bird became a trip about Gallagher's own survival.

GALLAGHER: Luckily, luckily we made it out of there, but then the next day we arranged to meet the forester in the city of Durango out in the park, and we were going to have breakfast together, and he walks up to us, and he's just - he's shaking like - and he just hugs us both tightly.

And he said, you know, if anything would have happened to you, I never would have forgiven myself. And he said that night before we drove out, he and his wife got down on their knees and, you know, prayed to God for our safety and everything.

By that time, we were all just standing in that park crying, you know, but it was awful.


GALLAGHER: Gallagher isn't planning to go back anytime soon, he says, but he didn't know that right away. After all, he'd spent years researching this bird. He'd made half-a-dozen trips to Mexico in the last two years.

It was hard to back away from it. I was really, really interested in the work, and I loved interviewing the people, and I think about the bird. It - it's just, it's too dangerous. You know, I've got kids at home that I need to raise.


LICHTMAN: Which for Gallagher may mean being haunted indefinitely by a ghost bird 3,000 miles away. For SCIENCE FRIDAY, I'm Flora Lichtman.

FLATOW: If you want to see the only documented footage of the Imperial Woodpecker, check out our video pick from a few weeks ago. It's on our website at

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The Jesus Hairstyle

The classic image of a bearded, long-haired Jesus emerged as the favorite in the sixty century. Early Christians painted Jesus?s hair in many different ways? long or short, curly or straight, bearded or clean-shaven. There?s even a bald Jesus on display in the British museum. The artists probably weren?t attempting to create a historically accurate image of the man. The New Testament offers virtually no physical description of him, so they would have based the portraits on their own, diverse ideas of what a god should look like. Some philosophers, like St. Augustine, appreciated the diverse ways of portraying the incarnate Jesus. He thought ineffability was more consistent with divinity. It?s easy to paint a man, he agued, but hard to paint a god.


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Saturday 24 December 2011

omgitsc: @IamMademoiselle Is it permittable to be drunk in a Catholic service? Well, whatever, if I get bored I have Twitter!

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@IamMademoiselle Is it permittable to be drunk in a Catholic service? Well, whatever, if I get bored I have Twitter! omgitsc


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Everyone's Mixtape Is a Socially-Curated Playlist Creator [Music]

Everyone's Mixtape Is a Socially-Curated Playlist CreatorNew webapp Everyone's Mixtape brings the pleasure of sharing music playlists into a nostalgic cassette tape interface. Best of all, everyone can join in and add to classic mixtape categories like heartbreak, party, and Sunday morning.

It's a pretty simple idea and interface: Click on a cassette to start playing one of the public playlists. If you sign up for an account, you can search for a song (pulled from YouTube, Vimeo, or Soundcloud) and drag onto the tape to add it to the mixtape, rearrange songs in the list, drag to a different playlist, or make your own., created by Lifehacker's own Adam Pash, has more informative features, like lyrics and artist bios, but Everyone's Mixtape is more of a social curation project, since everyone can contribute to the shared playlists. Right now, users are anonymous on the service, so you can't see who added what song; that feature could make this playlist service even better.

Once you've made your own mixtape, you can grab a link to share it with others (e.g., that special someone).

If you're old enough to remember mixtapes on cassettes, you'll appreciate Everyone's Mixtape's interface (without the need to meticulously time all the songs), but even if you don't remember cassettes, the webapp is a neat way to share the joy of music with others and discover some great songs (outside of the usual computer-generated suggestions from music streaming services).

Everyone's Mixtape via TheNextWeb


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Friday 23 December 2011

iPhone share rises in US, UK, Australia; falls on European continent

Sometimes it seems like just about everyone in the US has an iPhone. A report by Kantar Worldpanel ComTech that was highlighted by Reuters today shows that the iPhone's share of the US smartphone market jumped from 25 percent during the run-up to Christmas last year to 36 percent during the same period this year.

The iPhone saw similar gains in the UK, where the iPhone's share of the market rose from 21 percent to 31 percent year-over-year, and in Australia. However, things weren't so rosy for Apple on the European continent, where cost-conscious buyers are forgoing the more pricey iPhones and buying cheaper Android smartphones instead.

According to Kantar, the iPhone's market share dropped from 29 to 20 percent in France, and in Germany the share went from 27 to 22 percent. Similar declines were echoed in Spain and Italy. The overall Euro zone GDP rose a paltry .2 percent in the third quarter of 2011, and it is expected to contract in the fourth quarter. Government spending cuts and job losses are depriving companies of demand for goods and exports, trickling down to consumers who are keeping a close eye on their spending.

[via Apple 2.0]



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Tax Holiday (Atlantic Politics Channel)

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Thursday 22 December 2011

The Real Housewives of Orange County to Return on...

Bravo has announced a return date for The Real Housewives of Orange County.

Viewers can look forward to the shenanigans of Vicki Gunvalson, Tamra Barney, Gretchen Rossi and Alexis Bellino once again on February 7, along with new cast member Heather Dubrow, an ex-actress who is married to a famous plastic surgeon.

Cheers to The Real Housewives!

Among season 7 storylines on tap:

  • Vicki moving on from her ex with a new boyfriend named Brooks.
  • Tamra and Gretchen making up... which causes a problem for Tamra and Vicki's relationship.
  • Gretchen working with The Pussycat Dolls in Las Vegas and, yes, still dating Slade. 
  • Alexis attempting to get a job as a correspondent on a local news show.


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Friday 16 December 2011

Why Studying Abroad Is Worth the Expense [Infographics]

Why Studying Abroad Is Worth the ExpenseStudying abroad is one of the ten most important things we learned about college, but it can be expensive depending on where you go. Studies, however, say that studying abroad can really pay off for your post-college career and employability.

This infographic from Course Hero breaks down the ROI of studying abroad, illustrating how it improves students' resumes, job interviews, and employee skills. An amazing 73% of employers, for example, said study abroad is important when evaluating job candidates for a junior-level position.

If you have the opportunity to study abroad, really consider it. It may be one of the best things you do in college and for your future career. If you have study abroad experience or tips to share with us, post 'em in the comments.

Why Studying Abroad Is Worth the Expense

The ROI of Studying Abroad | Course Hero


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Wednesday 7 December 2011

Afghan police say 48 killed in Kabul bombing (AP)

KABUL, Afghanistan ? Afghan officials say 48 people have been killed in a suicide bombing targeting Shiite worshippers in Kabul.

The attacker blew himself up Tuesday in the midst of a crowd of men, women and children gathered outside the Abul Fazl shrine to commemorate the seventh century death of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson Imam Hussein.

Mohammed Zahir, chief of the Kabul Criminal Investigation Department, gave the death toll and said more than 100 people were wounded.

Officials say four other people were killed when a bomb strapped to a bicycle exploded as a convoy of Afghan Shiites drove by in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) ? A suicide bomber struck a crowd of Shiite worshippers marking a holy day Tuesday in the Afghan capital as at least 20 people were killed in an unprecedented wave of violence against the minority Islamic sect in Afghanistan.

The Kabul attacker blew himself up in the midst of a crowd of men, women and children gathered outside the Abul Fazl shrine to commemorate the seventh century death of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson Imam Hussein. Some men were beating themselves in mourning and food was being distributed.

A bomb strapped to a bicycle also exploded as a convoy of Afghan Shiites was driving down the road, shouting slogans for the festival known as Ashoura, in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif.

Sayed Kabir Amiri, an official in charge of Kabul hospitals, said at least 16 people killed and more than 100 were wounded in Kabul. At least four were killed and 21 wounded in the Mazar-i-Sharif attack, said Sakhi Kargar, a spokesman for the health ministry.

Religiously motivated attacks on Shiites are rare in Afghanistan although they are common in neighboring Pakistan. No group claimed responsibility for Tuesday's blasts, reminiscent of the wave of sectarian attacks that shook Iraq during the height of the war there.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai, speaking at a news conference after meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin, said the attack was unprecedented in scope.

He said it was "the first time that on such an important religious day in Afghanistan terrorism of that horrible nature is taking place."

Mohammad Bakir Shaikzada, the top Shiite cleric in Kabul, said he could not remember a similar attack having taken place on such a scale.

"This is a crime against Muslims during the holy day of Ashoura. We Muslims will never forget these attacks. It is the enemy of the Muslims who are carrying them out," he said, declining to place blame.

The last incident of violence between Shiites and Sunnis following the U.S. invasion 10 years ago occurred in early 2006, during Ashoura commemorations in the western city of Herat. During those riots, blamed on Islamic extremists, five people were killed and more than 50 injured.

Mahood Khan, who is in charge of the Abul Fazl shrine, said the explosion occurred just outside a courtyard where dozens of worshippers were lined up as they filed in and out of the packed building.

A few minutes after the blast, bodies could be seen loaded into the trunks of cars while wounded were led away by friends and relatives. Survivors wept in the streets.

"It was a very powerful blast," Khan said. "The food was everywhere. It was out of control. Everyone was crying, shouting. It is a disaster."

Mustafa, a shopkeeper, said he and his mother were delivering food to the worshippers when the blast occurred. Two groups of 150 to 200 people from Kabul had just prayed at the shrine and left.

Another group of more than 100 from Logar province was entering when the explosion occurred. He said the suicide bomber was at the end of the line of worshippers from Logar when he blew himself up near one of the gates to the shrine.

"It was very loud. My ears went deaf and I was blown 3 meters (yards)," said Mustafa, who uses only one name. "There was smoke and red blood on the floor of the shrine. There were people lying everywhere."

The shrine's loudspeaker continued to blast a recitation of the Quran as ambulances carried bodies and wounded away. Women stood outside the shrine wailing and holding crying children.

The mosque had been packed with worshippers and a large crowd that could not fit inside were gathered outside the building. The bomber walked into this crowd and detonated his explosives, said witness Mohammad Sharif.

The shrine is close to the palace where Karzai lives and who is in Europe to attend an international conference on Afghanistan. It is named after Abul Fazl, who was an adviser to a 14th century Mogul emperor. The shrine and its blue minaret is one of Kabul's better known landmarks. It is located in Murad Khane area near the Kabul river, a district that has been listed by the World Monuments Fund as one of its 100 most endangered sites of cultural heritage.


David Rising contributed from Berlin, Deb Riechmann, Heidi Vogt and Patrick Quinn from Kabul.


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