Thursday 9 February 2012

Identity Theft, The Constitution, an:Articles of the ... - Legal protection ...

Identity Theft, The Constitution, and What Is In Your Trash Can

If you see someone going through your trash it might not be an identity thief after all, so don?t run out there, and clock them with a 2X4 or you could end up in jail. Indeed, they might be the FBI, who apparently now has the right to go through your trash ? without a warrant. Yes, this will be tested someday in a court of law, due to the privacy issue, and your rights as a citizen, and it could very well end up a Supreme Court Case I imagine. Are you concerned? Let?s talk.

There was an interesting article recently on June 13, 2011 in the New York Times titled; ?F.B.I. Agents Get Leeway to Push Privacy Bounds? by Charlie Savage, which stated;

?The FBI is giving significant new powers to its roughly 14,000 agents, allowing them more leeway to search databases, go through household trash or use surveillance teams to scrutinize the lives of people who have attracted their attention. Soon plan to issue a new edition of its manual,Average Salary of a Paralegal. ?The Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide, The new rules add to several measures taken over the past decade to give agents more latitude as they search for signs of criminal or terrorist activity.?

Well, this is interesting indeed, however, the idea that they will set up surveillance of those who ?Attract Their Attention? is quite problematic to the entire concept of individual privacy,

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Law+Library Pictures
further, as citizens, one could say that the FBI as attracted our attention, as they impede into questionable gray areas of our Constitution. Further, just the fact that there was a press-release or this information is being put into the main stream media is in one form; intimidation. Is this what the American People can expect in the future?

If so, this is somewhat problematic, and it?s not that we don?t need to intercept any terrorists in our nation who might wish to cause a horrific event, obviously we want to catch them, but the manual is called; ?Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide? and didn?t we just see marches, protests, and demonstrations in the Middle East and North Africa, and our government was ?cheering on? the protestors who demanded democracy and freedom? But in the US, what? No, civil disobedience allowed, or ?we will be watching you!? That is intimidation.

Once could ask if this continues, are we really free? I find it fascinating that during the Bush Administration the far-left was screaming bloody murder over the Patriot Act, but President Obama did sign its extension, without anyone on the left side of politics uttering a word ? why? Is it okay to curb freedoms when a Democrat Administration is in power, but not a Republican Administration ? what gives?

Personally, I have a number of friends in law enforcement, at every level actually, and even they are somewhat leery of all this. Yes, they want the tools to go get those using our system against us, but where are we drawing that line? The United States of America must not live or rule as hypocrites, we must live up to our ideals. So please consider all this.


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