Tuesday 5 June 2012

Simply Natural Ideas: Why you should consider natural sunscreen ...

Coconut oil

By Rochelle Hanson

Get ready to gear up for summer?s sizzling sunshine, sandy beachy breezes, and skinny-mini bikinis! Even if you?re not comfortable in a bikini, I?m sure you?ll want to enjoy the summer sun. So before you slather your skin with layers of commercial sunscreen this season, allow me to share a few reasons why you should consider using a natural sunscreen alternative.

It?s for your protection

If I were to ask you why you wear sunscreen in the first place, you would probably tell me that the main reason you wear sunscreen is to protect your skin from damage and burns from the sun. You might even say that you wear sunscreen to hopefully lower your risk of getting skin cancer. We?ve all been warned through advertisements and the media to protect ourselves from the damaging effects of too much sun exposure, so I don?t blame you for wanting to stay protected.

The ultraviolet villain

Now, what if I told you that most commercial sunscreens do not actually work in the way that you would expect? Ultraviolet rays from the sun come in two main wavelengths: UVA and UVB.

UVA is considered to be the bad guy. Why? Because UVA penetrates your skin more deeply than UVB and it causes the most free radical damage. UVA rays remain high and constant all throughout the day no matter if the sun is shining brightly or if it?s an overcast cloudy day.

UVB is the good guy in the ultraviolet family. UVB rays are low in the morning and evening, and they peak at midday. UVB helps your skin to make Vitamin D. Vitamin D?is essential for good health and lowers your risk of heart disease, diabetes, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, and Osteoperosis. Studies are also show that adequate Vitamin D levels also protect against multiple forms of Cancer.

Most commercial sunscreens?only block out UVB which reduces your body?s ability to make Vitamin D by as much as 97-99%. Yes, too much UVB will cause your skin to burn. But if you block UVB completely by slapping on sunscreen from head to toe every few hours while you?re enjoying the sun at the beach, your body?s not making any Vitamin D. It is essential for your good health, and you?re not doing anything at all to protect yourself from the bad guy ? Mr. UVA.

Natural sunscreen alternatives

Without even understanding how your commercial sunscreen works as we discussed above, if you simply take a look at the ingredients on the back of the bottle of most commercial sunscreens, you will see that the ingredient list is nothing more than a bunch of chemicals including known carcinogens. I?m sure that you know that your skin is the largest organ on your body, and whatever you put on it gets absorbed directly into your blood stream.

Consider using these natural ingredients topically or mixing them together as sunscreen alternatives to protect yourself from the sun more safely and allow for the production of Vitamin D to occur naturally.

  • Coconut Oil
  • Castor Oil
  • Shea Butter
  • Jojoba Oil

You can also purchase natural sunscreens from your local health food store. Watch this video below for more ideas on why you should use natural sunscreen


Rochelle Hanson is the author of the free ebook, Breaking Cravings. She is a Certified Natural Health Coach who offers practical tips on natural health and wellness both in this column and on her blog?Simply Natural Ideas. Write to?rochelle@simplynaturalideas.com or connect with her on Facebook or Twitter.


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