Thursday 1 March 2012

Guarantee Your Business Success Without Sacrificing Your ...

Do you wonder sometimes if your priorities are a little mixed up? Do you worry that you are spending all your time and energy working while you neglect the other ?relationships? in your life? Sometimes the biggest mistakes we make in our business don?t really have to do with our businesses. When we focus on our money-making relationships we get off track quickly and soon we?re depleted and empty of energy.

It?s true that we must put time and energy and even money into growing our business success. The problem comes when we get out of balance and start putting more and more and more time into these goals without shoring up the foundations of our life. What came before business growth was our relationships with ourselves and those who will be with us through every up and down.


Reconnect with yourself first?

As entrepreneurs we often work from our homes, answering phones, writing emails, editing articles and other busy-ness. Without a regular work-hours schedule it?s easy to forget to stop for lunch and to become obsessed with work projects. The healthiest way to boost not only our productivity but also our peace is to take frequent breaks. Work in a focused manner for 45 minutes to an hour then take a 5-10 minute break. Even the smartest among us can?t work steadily for 8-10 hours without a sanity and health break!

Lately I have had to remind myself to do this too. This is even harder to remember when we get busier, when our businesses are growing! What I find is that I get more done and am able to give more to my clients when I?m careful to take time to connect with my own heart first.

? Take a break every hour

? Breath, drink a cup of tea

? Reconnect with your ?why??why are you working so hard? Re-energize!


Reconnect with your first loves, first?

Have you heard of the term ?work husband? or ?work wife?? Isn?t this a sad term? To be closer to those we work with instead of those we?ve chosen to spend our lives with is, I think a bad choice all around. Getting in the habit of sharing our most treasured dreams with people who are not our most treasured relationships can hurt us all in the long run.

So, similar to the FIRST exercise above, take time out of your busy day of business to reconnect with those you love most.

? Call your spouse, don?t just email or text?take a moment to connect voice to voice?a couple times each day. Make this a loving call, not just a ?practical? call!

? Leave a note in your kids lunch or put a sticky note on their mirror, run out to the back-yard to throw a few during your break?.just be with them even in the middle of your busy entrepreneur day!

? Create a journal with your loved ones. You take it one day, they take it with them to work the next. Throughout the day, maybe when you take your 5 minute breaks or over your lunch break, write down what you love most about them right now!

These ?reconnect with those you love? exercises also serve to reconnect you with the reason you are in business in the first place! Very few of us are in business to ?just? get lots of money. We want to build a better life for those we love, right? Staying connected to them and putting relationships at the top of our priorities in a real way throughout our days helps us remember!

Reconnect with your health

It?s one of the first things I hear from busy people and I?m tempted to give this up sometimes too. Either we eat junk food on the run between phone calls and appointments or we just forget to eat altogether! And forget getting good sleep or exercising right? Who has time for all that.

Well, we need to make time for these reconnections. No matter how busy or successful we get if we lose our wellness in the process all our success won?t mean much. And we?ll lose our ability to serve our First Two FIRSTS ? reconnecting with ourselves and those we truly love.

When I get caught up in busy-ness I know it?s time to take my exercise break. This is a primary FIRST priority for me. Unless my body is strong, my mind cannot be strong or creative or productive for my business. In fact, I?ve noticed a direct relationship between how healthy I am and how productive I am! Daily exercise puts me back in my day in a major way and fuels my business too.

Here are two every day FIRSTS we can do to stay connected to our own strong foundation and to guarantee our business success?even for us entrepeneurs

? Every time we take one of those 5-10 minute breaks, spend five of those minutes running up and down the stairs or walking around the house or just doing some gentle stretching. If we did this every hour over a 10 hour day we?ll have moved a good 50 minutes!

? Learn to listen to our bodies. Recently I noticed that a headache was creeping up on me. Instead of trying to force myself to keep going anyway I delegated some extra tasks and laid down for a nap. This isn?t something I do every day but I know that if I hadn?t taken a bit of an extra break in my day I could have ended up with an out-of-control migraine that would have completely disrupted my business AND my relationships!

When we chose to become entrepreneurs it was, for many of us, because we wanted to have more freedom. More freedom to connect with our families and to live a better quality of life. Even when we recognize that we have to put in the time and effort needed to build a successful business we can?t afford to get so far out of balance in our relating to ourselves, those we love and our health that we end up in a very different place.



Are you having relationship problems now?? I also have started to consult with business owners with their Social Media relationships. If you would like more help with this, Susan would like to help. Click on ?Free Consultation? and Susan will give a free 30 minute consultation to answer any pressing questions that you may have.


Susan Preston is a Relationship Consultant, specializing in putting the RELATE back into relationships. With her unique philosophy, Susan helps you to discover your true magnificence and how to embrace it. She will provide you with all the necessary tools to successfully enhance your relationships. Susan was recently named #3 for the Top Socialites for Charleston, SC for 2011



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