Tuesday 6 March 2012

Life, The Universe, And Gaming ? Community Loving - eGamer

Straight up, I have a confession to make: I don?t actually have a clue what to talk about for this column. It?s kind of like a mild writer?s block, but I basically could not come up with a decent topic that hasn?t already been covered in the past few weeks. It happens, right? Perhaps it?s because I?m way too anxious for the release of Mass Effect 3 later this week and so my productivity has met its temporary demise at the hands of only the biggest game release this year, for any self-proclaimed BioWare fanboy.

I will forgive you (for this week only) for stopping right here and heading off to read something else but since I have this little soapbox of mine and I would rather give you all something instead of copping out and doing nothing, I thought I?d take a moment to thank everyone that reads this, the greatest website on the internet.

An ode to the community, then:

You photoshop my face onto random games,
You troll me all day on the Facebook page,
You belittle Dragon Age 2 and call Hawke names,
You make me want to go green with rage,

Yet even though you make me cry,
And want to stick a needle in my eye,
I somehow know there?s a reason why,
You gamers pick on this awesome guy,

Is it the achievement whoring for which I am known,
Or my columns so boring though you?d still bone,
My news in the morning is so NOT monotone,
This is getting appalling so I?ll end with: I pwn.

Shakespeare, I most certainly am not. Still, if there was a gamer version? To achieve or not to achieve!

An interesting situation occurred just last week as I entered a campus LAN to use one of the PCs available, with everyone?s favourite Jesamania. A blue-shirted dude with a cap stopped me and asked if I wrote for eGamer. Upon answering his question with a nod that seemed almost like a bow ? I have something of a royalty complex ? he proceeded to ask if I was Cavie.

The infamous?

It shocked me a bit that there was someone whom I have never met before, sitting right there in the LAN and looking at me knowing exactly who I was and what it was that I did with my spare time when not obviously getting myself off to pictures of Dragon Age 2, or so Azhar would have you all believe.

We proceeded to speak for a bit and he told me that he is a PC gamer, one who frequents Origin?s Battlefield 3 servers and would like me to join him some time. He then told me that he made me out from all of the ?wondrous? (the sarcasm I convey with that is over nine thousand) so-called ?Cavisms? that he had seen on our Facebook page. I?m surprised he didn?t ask me at that point, where my crowbar was. Or indeed tell me which of those so-called ?Cavisms? he liked most (although he totally asked for my number). In Duncan?s previous column he even offered up a term for those on Facebook who engage in the creation or celebration of the so-called ?Cavisms? which bear my face; he called them ?Cavites.?

Now, I have enough of an ego all on my own, anyone who knows me will attest to that. But I have to admit that it humbled me to experience such a thing and it spoke volumes of the community that we have.

You see, without you guys it doesn?t matter how talented we are as writers, it doesn?t matter how entertaining our articles are, it doesn?t even matter how indian Dean actually is without realising. You make us what we are. The community, the readers, the fans, the gamers.

We owe every success of ours to you.

And my awesome columns. But mostly you.

That?s pretty much why we try at every possible opportunity to reward you, whether it?s cool things on our Facebook page, heads-ups for various sales and local events, on-time reviews and previews to get you geared up for gaming, or indeed prize giveaways whenever we?re allowed to do so.

We?ve even tried our best to come up with some new features and exclusives for you to enjoy, whether it?s matching music to games, getting trolled by fictional articles (that are marked as such), defining the gamer through various factors, answering the really difficult questions or just kicking back and listening to us talk about silly things on the podcast. There?s something for everyone and everything for someone. We even have more lined up, believe it or not.

Now, this isn?t meant to be an ?Ed?s Note? style of column, no. That?s Dean?s job at the start of each month. I?m simply thanking you all for being here and for making everything we write such an absolute pleasure. We?ve got a wonderfully close-knit community vibe going and the great majority of our commenters are regular visitors of the site. I?ll wager there are even more who don?t comment ? hi, please comment ? who visit just as regularly if not more so. Fuck it, make us your home page even.

Before I depart, I might as well make a reference or two to the characters in the header for this column; those of the Community TV series on NBC that we are all quite familiar with by now ? I hope. Many months ago, a friend (you all know him as Domzor or CyniKill) stated that I was like Jeff Winger (Dean seems to think I?d be Troy. I?m disinclined to acquiesce to his opinion, so let?s ignore it, shall we?) from Community. Having not watched the series before, I picked it up and loved what I saw. While I now maintain that I am no Jeff Winger, I do appreciate being considered as arguably the main character of a series. However, the great thing about this particular series is that there actually isn?t a single main character, even though Jeff is purported as one. Each character has their own features that they bring to the table, complimenting each other nicely so that all spaces are filled and we?re presented with the perfect offering of entertainment and gripping viewing.

eGamer in a nutshell? I certainly think so.

Thank you for supporting us in everything we do, and thank you for coming back each day and reading our stuff, commenting on it, and then finding new ways to troll me.

Keep on keeping on.

Hugs and kisses,

Source: http://egamer.co.za/2012/03/life-the-universe-and-gaming-community-loving/

zappos hacked jane fonda morgan freeman jon huntsman bit coin huntsman w.e.

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