Saturday 7 January 2012

UN needs stronger relations with regional organizations: South Africa

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The United Nations needs to strengthen its relationship with regional organizations in resolving conflicts around the world.

Ambassador Baso Sangqu, Permanent Representative of South Africa

That?s the view expressed by Ambassador Baso Sangqu of South Africa as it takes over the presidency of the Security Council for the month of January.

Ambassador Sangqu says while it is the primary responsibility of the United Nations to maintain peace and security, regional organizations have an important role to play in resolving regional conflicts.

?The regional organizations are closer to the ground. They are more affected by the conflicts from their sisterly neighbouring countries. They have got a lot to lose if these conflicts continue to rage because they always have a spill over effect. And therefore they have a stake in the resolution of conflicts in their neighbourhoods. Above all, they do have a better understanding of the inter-dynamics that get a play in any conflict situation.?

Duration: 25?


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